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A clever burglar is always looking for new ways to get into your home. Luckily, the constant innovation in the field of home security products is working to counter them at every turn. Your home should be a space that you and your family can feel completely secure, so you can go about your lives without nagging safety fears playing in the back of your mind.

Auditing and evaluating your home security should be an ongoing process. Your home security systems need to move with the times, as the world and technology changes. It is important that you take the time to take stock of your home security looking at potential weaknesses where burglars can gain entry.

If you have no idea where to start, the people over at Safewise have put together this useful document to help you take stock of your home security and make the necessary changes needed. To assist you in keeping up to date with the latest advancements in home security, we’ve put together this list of 4 innovative home security products for your perusal.

A Smarter Home with These Smart Home Security Products

We could write a whole article on Smart Security devices alone. Our homes are becoming increasingly connected to us and this trend has greatly impacted how we approach home security. From smart locks that are opened with our phones or with facial recognition, to doorbells with HD cameras and remote monitoring systems that let you keep track of your home security from just about anywhere, the possibilities are almost endless.

All information is fed to your devices and not only keeps you informed, but allows you to make decisions and notify authorities as quickly as possible. Smart homes aren’t going anywhere and we are only going to have more security options cropping up as this sector grows.

Live Streaming doorbell cameras

Few products show the advancement of home security technology than the doorbell cam. You just need to look at the videos showing porch pirates and delivery people to see just how pervasive these devices have become. This revolution has been led by brands such as NEST, but these days you can find a wide range of options available. The best part is these devices can stream their footage directly to your mobile phone meaning you can keep an eye on your front door wherever you are.

LOCKLATCH, An all-new home security lock

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions. LockLatch may not be high tech but it serves as an ingenious home security solution to an age old problem. LockLatch is an easy to install DIY device, designed to fit onto any window or door, whichever way it opens and whatever it is made of ! It allows you to leave windows or doors open, but locked.

As we know, keeping windows and doors locked shut isn’t always the best option. It stops airflow and good ventilation in your home that can lead to a host of health related issues.

If you have a pet, keeping your windows shut during the day just isn’t an option, this is where the LockLatch really shines. LockLatch is made from C304 stainless steel and comes with a lifetime guarantee. There are 3 sizes available, MiniLatch allowing an adjustable gap between 1.8″ and 3.1″, the (original) LockLatch allowing an adjustable gap between 3.6″ and 6.7″ and finally the PetLatch which allows an adjustable gap between 5.7″ and 9″. Read more on the LockLatch features and benefits.

Remote Access Live Camera systems

Just like doorbell cameras, the advancements in camera technology have meant that home security cameras are becoming smaller and more affordable. The best part of these smart devices is that the footage can be easily accessed from your mobile phone, meaning almost anyone can have a home CCTV system for the fraction of the cost of an old school wired system.

Fingerprint or coded door handles

While ensuring your door has a secure lock is one of the most important aspects of home security, how you lock and unlock your door is up to you. The advancement of home security systems means the traditional lock and key is not the only option available to you.

What smart security features are important to consider

While all this new technology is fantastic, as with all things tech related, it pays to do your homework. You need to know what is out there, what is reliable and what works with your smart home setup.


Make sure that the smart home security devices are compatible with your smart home system. Are they compatible with Alexa or Google Home? Is there an App for your type of phone? Answering these questions will ensure that you can unlock the full functionality of the devices.

Battery backup

One downside of electronic devices is their reliance on power. You need to ensure that the device you purchase has built in contingencies (such as an emergency battery) or if you need to provide backup power. A device that isn’t working because there is no power is about as effective as no device at all.

Mobile app functionality

We mentioned phone compatibility already, but it bears repeating. While Apple iOS and Android dominate the mobile market and most systems will have a dedicated app for both, it is still important to do due diligence and ensure you can run and monitor your system from your phone.

Technology features

While some devices provide a singular function, many come with a long feature list that may or may not apply to your unique situation. Make sure you aren’t paying for features you don’t need or that your device has everything you need. YouTube is a fantastic resource for finding reviews that will help you make the right decision.

Ease of use

You should also understand how easy or difficult the installation process is and whether you can do it yourself. While devices such as LockLatch are simple to install, electronic devices may require power back up and wiring, which may necessitate hiring a handyman. The challenges don’t stop there though you should also ensure that you understand the technology well enough to properly utilize the device.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this article on innovative home security products. What Smart Home security devices do you have in your home, why not send us an email to [email protected] and maybe we can include them in our next feature!

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